Wednesday, April 23, 2008

home-made pizza

Home-made Pizza!

Serves 2-3.


- Instant pizza base with layer of sauce (can be found in most major super markets)
- 50g cubed bacon bits
- 1 chicken kebab stick (BBQ flavor recommended)
- 1/2 onion
- Mozzarella cheese (about 1/2 packet)
- BBQ sauce
- 6 medium-large size pieces of Salami (any flavors)


- Preheat (fan-forced or conventional) oven at about 180ºC.
- Place salami around pizza base and sprinkle cubed bacon bits as well.
- Remove chicken from kebab stick and cut into bite size pieces. Place around pizza base.
- Cut onion up (into rings) and place around pizza base.
- Add as much barbeque sauce as you like!
- Sprinkle cheese evenly around pizza. Bring into oven and leave it in for about 15-20 minutes.

- Divide with pizza cutter.

Co-invented by NSFX and _pdra.

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